Wiki Dx Justify per patient issue


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Please advise if Pdx 780.60 Fever & 724.5 for back pain, is ok for this OR there should be a Dx per patient CC.

CC: Bilateral Leg pain
HPI: 30 year old female who presents with five days of bilateral leg pain. Patient was performing exercise on 8/3/14 (Circuit training, calisthenics, running, yoga, sex on multiple occasions-protected) and started to feel severe pains in legs (to the knees) the next day. Patient continued to have pains over the next few days, started to feel sharp lower back pain yesterday. R>L. Denies any numbness or tingling into legs. No pain with valsalva manuver. Also complains of elbow, neck pain. Taking Ibuprofen for pain.

Patient looks a bit ill, feels cold.
Has fever, 102.9 intra oral
No GI issues other than mild GI-loose movements, twice per day, since trip to Mexico (returned July 7th, 2014)

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Many times, leg pain is radiating from the low back so the CC of bilateral leg pain is covered with the diagnosis of low back pain, especially since the pain in the legs only goes to the knees.