Wiki DX help

knoxville, TN
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I'm reviewing a pt's record who had a Cardiac perfusion study done (78452). The reason for exam was chest pain. In the impression it states that the study reveals scintigraphic evidence of anterior/antral septal thinning seen from the mid ventricle toward the apex. I'm having a hard time finding a DX for this. Help please :confused:
I'm reviewing a pt's record who had a Cardiac perfusion study done (78452). The reason for exam was chest pain. In the impression it states that the study reveals scintigraphic evidence of anterior/antral septal thinning seen from the mid ventricle toward the apex. I'm having a hard time finding a DX for this. Help please :confused:

You cannot use a screening code since the pt was symptomatic, I would code the chest pain. The study results have not been interpreted as of yet for any diagnostic significance.