Wiki dx help


Adel, IA
Best answers
Can someone help me on these pysch codes and what the best DX's are to use?

1. arteriosclerosis, organic brain syndrome ...I came up with 290.40...another coder said it should be 440.9 and 310.9...

2. organic brain syndrome, psychosis... I came up with 294.9...another coder told me to use 310.9 and 298.9

3. organic brain syndrome, psychosis, manic-depressive...I came up with 296.80 and possibly 294.9 (unless that's included with 296.80)... another coder came up with 310.9, 298.9, and 296.80

4. agitation, caregiver stress... I came up with 308.2...another coder came up with 307.9 and 308.9.

I just thought a lot of the ones the other coder used are pretty unspecified and include each other if that makes sense.

My other question is, when a patient comes in for psych problems along with other non-psych symptoms, do we code the psych symptoms last with the E/M charge? Like, patient comes in for a 99214 with COPD, abdomen abscess, OBS, and high risk meds... Is it right to list V58.69 last and the major symptoms first? This scenario was coded 310.9, V58.69, 682.2, 496, V58.61...

Any thoughts?