Wiki dx help for synovial cyst

paula f3

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I am looking for help in determining a diagnosis code for synovial cyst of the knee which was in the area of the ACL . I was looking a dx code 727.49. Any opinions?
Thank you
ACL synovial cysts are synonyms to Ganglion Cysts of ACL which are intra articular cysts. ( actually ACL is an extra synovial structure) But the ganglion cysts as per two theories, are said to originate from synovial herniation onto ACL or as a mucinous degeration.

Popleteal synovial cysts (synonym - Baker's Cysts) are in the popleateal space and at the area of gastronemus tendon( posterior space or recess of the knee area ).

when it is said to be a cyst at ACL , ganglion cyst of ACL (the intra articular area of the knee joint ) and I feel that 727.41 would be more appropriate.
Thank you.
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