Wiki DX for Surgeon consult:suspected breast lump


Rutland, VT
Best answers
This is what I have for office notes, and we are all stumped on what to use for a diagnosis? It isn't a screening per se, she has no pain and apparently the only one thinking she has anything wrong is her primary Dr.!

S. Here today because of a possible breast lump. She states she had a physical exam by Dr. Turner who thought he felt a breast lump. She has noticed no lumps. She states she does self-breast exams on a monthly or bimonthly basis. She has noticed no changes in her breasts. She has no pain in her breasts.
PMH: Significant for asthma for which she takes Pro-Air, Flovent and Singulair.
FH: Negative for breast cancer.
PE: Both breasts are normal in appearance. Her left breast is slightly bigger than her right. On examination I feel no axillary adenopathy, no lumps, and no nodules in either breast.
A. I cannot feel a definitive breast mass in this patient.
P. I would be glad to reassess her at any time.

Any DX help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!