Wiki Dx for risk of hepatotoxicity


Kansas City, MO
Best answers
I have a Dr who has put his patient on a medication that can cause hepatotoxicity. He wants to run blood work to make sure everything is ok, while the patient is taking the medication. He used Dx Z91.89 and the insurance has said that it's too generic. I've tried searching risk of, possible complication from, screening for, hepatic, toxicity and am not finding anything that would work. The only thing I can think of is encounter for drug level monitoring. Would this be correct or does anyone know a better Dx I can use? If there is a better Dx, will you please tell me how you searched for it so I'll know in the future? Thanks!!
Have you looked at the codes in the Z79 range you can use these codes with Z51.81 (Encounter for therapeutic drug level monitoring). I searched using "long term drug therapy"