Wiki Dx for E/M discussion of birth control resulting in Depo Provera scheduled later


Billings, MT
Best answers
What diagnosis code should be used for an E/M discussion of birth control when initiation of Depo Provera is scheduled for a later date?
99212 - Z30.09? Z30.013? both?

duration: 15 min
Patient presents to the clinic for discussion of birth control. Patient was educated risks and benefits of OCP and Depo Provera. We discussed the importance of diet and exercise to maintain a healthy BMI. After much discussion and deliberation she would like to start Depo Provera. She reports that her period just ended. She denies any blood clots herself or within her family. She was educated on not using nicotine during use of birth control. Patient verbalizes understanding and would like to proceed with Depo Provera. VSS
General - cooperative, well-nourished, appropriately groomed
Neuromusc - normal gait and balance
Ski - pink, dry, intact
Birth control initiation
Depo Provera 150mg/ml IM every 12 week, get negative urine prior to first injection, start med this Sunday
Urine HCG before start of Depo, must be negative

Thank you!
What diagnosis code should be used for an E/M discussion of birth control when initiation of Depo Provera is scheduled for a later date?
99212 - Z30.09? Z30.013? both?

duration: 15 min
Patient presents to the clinic for discussion of birth control. Patient was educated risks and benefits of OCP and Depo Provera. We discussed the importance of diet and exercise to maintain a healthy BMI. After much discussion and deliberation she would like to start Depo Provera. She reports that her period just ended. She denies any blood clots herself or within her family. She was educated on not using nicotine during use of birth control. Patient verbalizes understanding and would like to proceed with Depo Provera. VSS
General - cooperative, well-nourished, appropriately groomed
Neuromusc - normal gait and balance
Ski - pink, dry, intact
Birth control initiation
Depo Provera 150mg/ml IM every 12 week, get negative urine prior to first injection, start med this Sunday
Urine HCG before start of Depo, must be negative

Thank you!
It is perfectly fine to use both as she had both general counseling and an initial prescription.