Wiki Dx for cancer code


True Blue
Lithonia, GA
Best answers
What is the proper way of coding metastatic colorectal cancer to the liver? I chose 154.0 and 197.7. It was suggested that I may code 154.0, 197.7 and 199.1. (199.1 as the unspecified primary site.) But if that is the case would I use 197.5, 197.7 and 199.1?
Two questions: 1. Is the colorectal cancer still being treated? 2. Is the primary site unknown?

I don't feel you need the 199.1 for unknown primary, unless the provider dictated that the primary site is unknown. Metastatic colorectal CA to the liver, I was taught means the primary site was the colorectal and now it has gone to the liver

Coding assuming the Colorectal is the primary site. If it he colorectal is still being treated I would code 154.0 and 197.7. If the colorectal CA is not being treat any longer and only the metastatic site the liver is than I would code 197.7 and history of colorectal CA V10.05.

See Coding Guidlines Chapter 2 Neoplasms - When a primary malignancy has been previoulsy excised or eradicated from its site and there is no further treatment directed to that site and no evidence of any existing primary malignancy, a code for category V10, Personal History should be used.

Yes, the colorectal cancer is being treated and it metastisized to the liver. The primary site was listed as colorectal, but the impression read "metastatic colorectal cancer to the liver." That being said I do agree with 154.0 and 197.7. Thank you both for the input.