Wiki DX for Amputated tongue


Burleson, Texas
Best answers
I need some assistance for dx code of amputated tongue status post intubation of surgical procedure. The tongue has been repaired 6 months ago by another physician so it isn't an open wound, tongue anomaly is for congenital anomalies any suggestion on where to look for diagnosis?
Look in the V codes for amputation status codes. Should be around the V43 or so code range. My book is not currently with me , apologies.
tongue amputation

I didn't explain the scenario correctly. The patient is new to my doc for the amputation, we didn't do the repair, but we may go back in for additional repair. So I don't think a "V" code for status is appropriate. I'm looking for something that explains to the insurance why we are seeing the patient, but I'm thinking I will have to use the symptoms of speech instead of finding something to work. Thanks for any assistance coming my way.