Wiki DX Coding


Tulsa, OK
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If a report states compatible with or consist with would you code for that diagnosis? For example if the report states compatible with renal stones or consist with a renal mass. Would you code for those or not? Thanks
If a report states compatible with or consist with would you code for that diagnosis? For example if the report states compatible with renal stones or consist with a renal mass. Would you code for those or not? Thanks

I probably would. You're looking at a diagnostic procedure report, right? As long as there's no note on there that says "inconclusive", then that's probably as definitive as they're going to get.

An article from Coderyte may help you at this time:

"The first official indication that the rule about not coding “probable,” “suspected,” “questionable,” “rule out,” or “working diagnosis” actually applies to other equivocal terms as well--besides just those five listed explicitly in the ICD-9-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting came in a letter from the Central Office on ICD-9-CM to CodeRyte, Inc. dated Oct. 8, 2003 in a response to a question posed by CodeRyte. (CodeRyte wanted to know whether “…consistent with…” and a few other frequently-used expressions were officially “equivocal” and so couldn't be used for coding purposes.) Here is the key content from their Oct. 8, 2003 response:

“As indicated in [CodeRyte's] correspondence, other terms that indicate an uncertain diagnosis include (but are not limited to) ‘consistent with,' ‘compatible with,' indicative of,' ‘suggesting,' ‘suggestive of,' ‘apparent,' ‘consider,' ‘low probability of,' ‘high probability of,' ‘evidence of,' ‘likely,' and ‘seemingly.' The term ‘borderline' does not necessarily indicate uncertainty. Proper determination would depend on how the physician has documented ‘borderline' in the record"

As per the above documentation, we could not code for "consistent with" or "compatible with" diagnosis codes.

Thank you and have a great day!

Purnima S, CPC

If a report states compatible with or consist with would you code for that diagnosis? For example if the report states compatible with renal stones or consist with a renal mass. Would you code for those or not? Thanks
Per Coding guidelines on outpatient encounters:

I. Uncertain diagnosis
Do not code diagnoses documented as “probable”, “suspected,” “questionable,” “rule out,” or “working diagnosis” or other similar terms indicating uncertainty. Rather, code the condition(s) to the highest degree of certainty for that encounter/visit, such as symptoms, signs, abnormal test results, or other reason for the visit.

I would not code compatible with or consistent with on any outpatient encounter.