Wiki Dx codes


Chester, IL
Best answers
Can someone help me with a dx code for the following situation:
Dx written on encounter form are as follows:
Closed head injury(injury happened a number of years ago)
Seizure disorder
Mood disturbance.

I am having trouble putting a dx on the closed head injury and quadraplegia.

Any help and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Coding LATE effects of;

Hi, don't confuse a dx of head injury, (which indicated a recent injury), with what you have described with this patient. You should look in the front of the icd-9 book in the Index of Diseases for the heading "LATE EFFECTS OF" for anything that is an old injury that is causing current longlasting problems. There is a huge list of everything from injuries to polio, etc. In short, anything that can cause long lasting effects. In this case 908.3 head or neck injury or 907.0 for intracranial injury. Then code for the symptoms.
you should code the quadriplegic status maybe a 342.xx code and the late effect code secondary, you can also code the mood disorder depending on what the documentation states.