Wiki dx code question for fixation device...orthopedic...

Rego Park, New York
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Cpc study guide page 332 #10 answer states T84.69XA for " Complication / fixation device, internal (orthopedic)/infection, and inflammation/specified site NEC T84.69- " however ICD-10-CM has T84.60- for diagnosis.

Can someone help?
Thank you,
Hi Michelle,

I don't have the study guide you're referring to so I'm having some difficulty understanding your question, but let me try my best to answer.

I think I know where you're referring to the ICD10 index, so under where you're looking up Complication / fixation device, internal (orthopedic) / infection and inflammation, it lists T84.60 (Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal fixation device of unspecified site).

You have to go further down to either specify the site of the fixation device, as per your question, go down to where it lists other specified site Not Elsewhere Classified (NEC), so if you go down further it'll bring you to the category of "specified site NEC T84.69", heres something from that might help illustrate it better than my english can:


and then you would add the XA at the end to code to the most specific character, hence your study guide's answer of T84.69XA