Wiki Dx code multiple anastamoic breakdown


True Blue
Lithonia, GA
Best answers
Can anyone help me with a complication dx code for multiple anastamoic breakdowns and multiple organ failures? Is there such a code for multiple organ failure NOS/NEC?

Pt had a whipple procedure due to pancreatic cancer. Now, pt is in acute kidney and liver failure. Any help would be apprecitated. Thanks in advance.

Do you mean anastomosis complication? Anyway try looking at 997.4 digestive system complication. Also look up under complications in index.

Then just add codes for the kidney and liver failures.
Yes, it is an anastomosis complication. But, the notes aren't specific enough. I was hoping for a more broader dx code. Even if I had a broad code for multiple organ failure.

According to ICD index anastomosis complications range from 996.0-996.5.

There also is an E code - E878 range - for surgical operation and other procedure as cause of later complication.

That is one of the scenario in my sample test so it is fresh from my mind. Hope that helps.