Wiki Dual Access Intervention/Aborted


Best answers
Please advise:

First Access:

Retrograde femoral access via RIGHT CFA. Pigtail catheter advanced to distal aorta. FLUSH AORTOGRAM/PELVIC ANGIOGRAM is obtained. BILATERAL LOWER EXTR Runoff Study is obtained.Selective catheter advancement to LT SFA, Inability to navigate lesion in proximal RT SFA. Additional angiograms obtained of LT SFA/PRFUNDA FEMORIS.

Second access:

LT POPLITEAL Artery is canulated in retrograde fashion. Catheter advanced to
proximal LT SFA. Inability to navigate lesion from this access, as well.

Case is aborted:

I coded;
75625-59, 75716-59, 36246-59-RT, 37225-53-LT ( Anticipated procedure is discontinued)

36246-59-RT is being rejected.
Any thoughts?
Please advise:

First Access:

Retrograde femoral access via RIGHT CFA. Pigtail catheter advanced to distal aorta. FLUSH AORTOGRAM/PELVIC ANGIOGRAM is obtained. BILATERAL LOWER EXTR Runoff Study is obtained.Selective catheter advancement to LT SFA, Inability to navigate lesion in proximal RT SFA. Additional angiograms obtained of LT SFA/PRFUNDA FEMORIS.

Second access:

LT POPLITEAL Artery is canulated in retrograde fashion. Catheter advanced to
proximal LT SFA. Inability to navigate lesion from this access, as well.

Case is aborted:

I coded;
75625-59, 75716-59, 36246-59-RT, 37225-53-LT ( Anticipated procedure is discontinued)

36246-59-RT is being rejected.
Any thoughts?

I would check, " proximal RT SFA..." (it is probably LT SFA). If that is the case, then the second access is 36140 (36246 is not supported).
