Wiki drug monitoring on table of risk


True Blue
Hinsdale, MA
Best answers
High risk on Table of Risk includes: "Drug therapy requiring intensive monitoring for toxicity." from worksheet Medical Decision Making section.
What are some examples of these drugs?
Does IV heparin fit this?
Does IV hydrocodone fit this?
Thank you
I would not automatically assign a drug to a high risk category based on the name of the drug alone, unless the provider has documented the risks associated with the drug and/or the need for intensive monitoring in their assessment or care plan. The table of risk is meant to be a guide and not an absolute measure of risk. My experience with payer audits has been that they will not usually accept an appeal that argues that an encounter represents a high level of risk simply because certain drugs were involved in the patient's care.
High risk on Table of Risk includes: "Drug therapy requiring intensive monitoring for toxicity." from worksheet Medical Decision Making section.
What are some examples of these drugs?
Does IV heparin fit this?
Does IV hydrocodone fit this?
Thank you
Both drugs have a black box warning label. I would automatically classify them as high risk.

A black box warning is the strictest warning put in the labeling of prescription drugs or drug products by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) when there is reasonable evidence of an association of a serious hazard with the drug.