Wiki Drug coding for specialist


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"The patient elects to proceed with injection. With consent and appropriate preparation, a small amount of DepoMedrol (probably 20-30 mg) along with a combination of Lidocaine and Marcaine with epinephrine were injected into the trigger area in the right elbow.Please assist on what coding would be applicable for this scenario.
As long as you supplied the DepoMedrol, you can bill that. You need a definite dosage--"Probably" is not good! Ask your provider to be specific.

For 20 mg, bill J1020. J1030 is for 40mg. Trigger point injections are billed with 20552 (for one muscle), but his documentation is a bit murky, and I'm not sure that's what he means. Ask if he did a trigger point injection or an intermediate joint injection (20605). The lidocaine and marcaine are bundled in.