Wiki Drainage of Ovarian cyst at time of a total laparoscopic hysterectomy w/bilat salpingectomy


Laharpe, IL
Best answers
I am reporting 58571 for the hysterectomy, but I have included the part of the op report that mentions the drainage of the ovarian cyst.

The LigaSure device was used for the electrocautery and ligation of the pedicles . The fallopian tubes had evidence of tubal sterilization / complete salpingectomy.
Drainage took place of the left ovarian cyst with the ligasure making a small incision. Hemostasis present.

This is the description I have for the drainage of the ovarian cyst. I was looking at 58662 Laparoscopy, surgical; with fulguration or excision of lesions of ovary, pelvic viscera, or peritoneal surface by any method.

I did not feel 49322 was correct because she did not perform an aspiration. The only other code I come to is unlisted 58999.
So, the tube stubs are being removed and that is why you are coding 58571? I was taught many years ago that aspiration and drainage are equivlaent - 58662 is for a an excision or fulguration and would not be appropriate here. I would use 49322.