Wiki Downsized


Pittsburgh, PA
Best answers
Good Morning Everyone. After just shy of 21 years with my previous employer, I find myself in the job market. So much has changed since I last looked for work. For the past 3 years I have worked as a Coding Manager for a centralized coding department. Prior to that, I work 18 years coding cardiac and thoracic surgery. I would love to hear from everyone with tips, leads and general information on where to begin.

Thank you in advance.

In what area of the country are you looking for work?

With your experience you should try your AAPC chapter first for leads and to get your name out and contact the HR department of any large group practices in your area. Get professional help to update your resume. If you have knowledge and/or experience with several different software applications, mention those on your resume. Employers love that. Be positive, upbeat and have some knowledge of the company you are interviewing with. The person who interviews you may be younger but don't let that be intimidating. Let them know you want the job(if you want it)and are a team player and a definite asset to the company. You bring a lot to the table. They will want to know what salary you are expecting. Let them know that everything is negotiable for the right position and the benefits the company offers (if any) would be included in any negotiation. But have a ball-park figure in your head too. Be realistic. You may have to start lower than what you were making when you were downsized.

I'll be rooting for you. I've been there myself--more than once. God bless.