Wiki double billing


Hermiston, OR
Best answers
I have a neurologist who also does sleep studies. His supervisor has advised him to enter two notes when a patient comes to him for both neurological problems (such as epilepsy) and follow up on sleep study. She said he can bill for both services separately because he has two the two specialties. However, I disagree with this and have combined the services into one bill. Am I incorrect? Can we bill for the services separately? The patient has one office visit for multiple problems, I told him this isn't unlike a patient seeing his regular GP for multiple things in one visit.

Any advice on this is appreciated.
I would agree I have the same conversation with my neuro about emg and OV at the same time. If the patient is being referred for a sleep study then I don't see why you would bill for an OV or consult when the order is for a study!

Katie Werner, CPC, CPMA