Wiki Dor Fundoplication??


Land O Lakes, FL
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Hello, A Dr I code for is stating that a Dor Fundoplication was performed, I tried googling it & everything pointed me to a nissen fundoplication. cpt 43280 , but technically the Dr did not state that, so should i go with a unlisted lap esoph code 43289
Well first he says hes going to do a Myotomy, but I think he changes the plan...

Heres a summary of it:

The mytomy was noted to be adequate as there was a patulous opening into the stomach without obstruction across the entire esophagus.Air was sunctioned out of the stomach. The scope was removed under direct vision./ At this point, a Dor anterior fundoplication was performed using 0 silk suture.. :eek:

so I am under the impression, a myetomy was going to be done? but then he changed his mind, or did he do both!?