Wiki Doppler Carotid - Technical Component


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I am curious if there is a way to code for Carotid Doppler...whcih does not include the Technical Component.

My doctor performs ONLY the technical component on these. But if the other doctor is billing incorrectly, it would explain why I get a B20 from Medicare about this...saying service furnished fully or in part by another physician.

I coded 93880 with a TC modifier.
Is this a problem on my end...or possibly the other physician - where we need to talk to them about their coding, so that my doctor can be paid?

Thank you!
So...what may be the problem? could it be incorrect coding on the part of the other physician?

Is there a way to code for Carotid Doppler that does NOT include the technical component?

So that Doc X should bill for that...and then my doctor could bill for what I actually coded correctly?

It would help if I could go to this other doctor with correct information. I do not normally handle cardiology claims, my doctor is normally Internal Medicine, Nephrology, and General Practice.
I sorta looked into this and I think I found the problem in my code books.

I found that, while I bill the Technical Component...the other doctor should be billing Professional Component.

In the case of this one I had a problem with...son of a gun...they did not bill with the "26" modifier. And that was why I got a reject with a B-20 code.
Thanks, Cyndi. It's okay. Found the answer, but thanks for helping.

Still, confirmation by another coder is always a good thing!