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Philadelphia, PA
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Contract to Hire

I'm considering taking a 3-month contract to hire position for surgical coding. I would love to get more experience because my experience is solely in ophthalmology right now.

However, I'm nervous about leaving a secure position for something that might not materialize into a permanent job after 3 months. Does anyone have advice/experience in this area? Please help!
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Medical Coder/Orthopedics

That would be a tough decision. I am not sure I have enough details about the job you have or the job you are thinking about taking for the 3 months. But, in our economy today, leaving a full time job just for 3 months of coding surgeries (in my view) is not wise. Unless you know it will change into something permanent.

I code surgeries every day and the experience is good. However, it takes almost that long to BEGIN to understand surgery coding.

Good luck in your decision.
I agree. I personally have been in this spot and wish I had not changed as it seems to never work into a permanent position. Now that is not to say this one wouldn't but is a job with benefits and security worth a maybe?
If you want to learn how to code surgeries take some of the surgery ceu's on line and work on experience that way. now that is not to say they won't be hard but with time you can get it down somewhat and go from there.

Good luck in your decision. I truly understand wanting to change and obtain more experience but sometimes that comes at a great cost and a better opportunity can be right over the sun rise