Wiki Doing a cardiology consultation at a nursing home


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A patient is currently at a nursing home and taken care of by an Internal Medicine doctor. She is on dialysis and needs a preop assessment for fistula. The internist calls a cardiologist to evaluate her in the nursing home to do preop risk assessment and get a stress test.

Does the cardiologist code 99306 (initial nursing home visit) or 99204 (New Office visit)? The internal medicine doctor is currently listed as her attending at nursing home and I assume had already billed medicare 93306 a few months ago when she was first admitted to nursing home.
if the cardiologist is seeing the pt in the nursing home, you bill the appropriate 9930X code with POS 31 if it is a skilled nursing facility (SNF), of course based on his documentation. I this patient comes to the cardiologists office via ambulance or personal/family transportation and the cardio has never seen this pt before, he would bill a new pt E/M code and also the stress test code, Depending on if the equipment is owned by him. If the Dr does not own the equipment, then you would append a 26 modifier on the stress test.