Wiki Does the number of bullet points differ for new patients from established?


Boca Raton, FL
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Using the 1997 guidelines, do the same number of bullet points get you the same numeric code level (ie: 99212 compared to 99202) for new patients as for established patients?

To word it differently I know that 6 exam bullets gets you a 99213 (if you can meet that level in at least one other area). So do 6 exam bullets get you a 99203 (if you can meet that level in both other areas)?
No, to hit the detailed requirement you need for a new patient visit of 99203 you need to hit at least 12 bulleted elements.

First Coast (FL contractor) also says that for eye and psych exams you only need to hit 9 bulleted elements to hit detailed.

You need at least 6 to hit 99202 exam level (provided the other sections meet that as well). And of course less than 5 get you to 99201.
The number of bullet points on the 97 exam guidelines will match to a level of exam, focused, expanded focused, detailed, or comprehensive. Different body systems in the 97 exam guidelines have a different number of bullet points for each of these levels. The new patient vs established patient levels have different components for each of the levels. You need to check out the 97 guidelines and look at the exam section, the number of bullets for each of the levels is listed after each body system.