Wiki Does physician get credit???

Yakima, WA
Best answers
Hello, fellow coders, and happy Friday!

I have a question for you gurus out there.....

I have an ENT physician who attempted to do a comperhensive examination per 97 guidelines. The only portion where he is lacking is that he was unable to perform two bulleted points, examination by mirror of larynx and nasopharynx, because the patient has a brisk gag reflex.

My question is, should the physician be credited for these two areas bullets, because he attempted to perform this portion of the examination, and was unable to? I think he should be credited, but I would like something to back me up.

Thanx for your time! :)
Since the code can't be higher than the MDM portion, do you NEED a Comp exam for the code you want? Unless there is High MDM, it's not going to matter if the exam is Detailed or Comp. IF you do have High MDM, there is nothing in the guidelines about what you were not able to do as far as an exam goes, just what was able to be done. Whatever you choose, make sure you can back it up with guidelines somewhere.