Wiki Does multiple PCR cassette test count as "0ne" unique test?

Syracuse, NY
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Hello! We use a PCR cassette system in house (PCP office) that has Flu A, Flu B, Covid and RSV. So 4 unique tests run in ONE cassette, billed as 0241U. When determining E&M level, looking at DATA, there is the "ordering or review of each UNIQUE test". If these were separate, we'd know how to "count" them in selecting the E&M level- but because they are in a "cassette" run, should we consider them as "one test" like we do when we order a Panel (Ex CBC, SMA-20)?
Info says PLA codes trump CPT when there is a code avail (0241U), but gives no guidance on if it should be regarded as a "panel" test. Appreciate any help/opinions on this. Thank you
I have very little knowledge about PLA codes, but:

per AMA:

"Unique: A unique test is defined by the CPT code set. When multiple results of the same unique test (eg, serial blood glucose values) are compared during an E/M service, count it as one unique test. Tests that have overlapping elements are not unique, even if they are identified with distinct CPT codes. For example, a CBC with differential would incorporate the set of hemoglobin, CBC without differential, and platelet count. A unique source is defined as a physician or other qualified health care professional in a distinct group or different specialty or subspecialty, or a unique entity. Review of all materials from any unique source counts as one element toward MDM."

Based on this definition, I would think that this would count as one unique test.