Wiki Does Influenza A = H1N1 Dx?


Grafton, WI
Best answers
I code for a group of ED docs and a lot of them are giving the diagnosis of Influenza A. Not sure if I should use 487.1 or 488.1.

Are these test results available immediately in an ED setting or do the tests need to be sent to the state for confirmation?
Type A flu

The CDC is stating that a positive Type A flu is 99% positive H1N1, however I would not code for H1N1 without a positive H1N1 test which is not immediate, these take several days to come back. The test for rapid type A is immediate. If you have a positive Type A you should code 487.1 even though there is a strong suspicion that it is H1N1. You would only code the 488.1 with a positive confirmation. The 488.1 code states identifednovel H1N1 influenza virus.