Wiki Does cpt 24342 include harvesting graft?


Sanford, ME
Best answers
I am questioning if harvesting an autograft (flexor carpi radialis tendon from the wrist) for a distal bicep tendon reinsertion with or without tendon graft is included in cpt 24342? There is no CCI edit between 24342 and 20924 tendon graft from a distance (wrist?). Any thoughts, thank you in advance.
[FONT=open sans, Arial, sans-serif]AMA Guidelines states[/FONT]

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Codes for obtaining autogenous bone, cartilage, tendon, fascia lata grafts, or other tissues through separate skin/fascial incisions should be reported separately unless the code descriptor references the harvesting of the graft or implant (eg, includes obtaining graft).
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[FONT=open sans, Arial, sans-serif]It looks to me that you can if there is no CCI edit to conflict as the code does not say that it includes obtaining the graft.[/FONT]