Wiki DOES ANYONE BILL FOR CCM (chronic care management)


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CCM codes can only be billed every 30 days- so what do we do in February when there aren't 30 days? Our software automatically creates the claims for us on the first day of each month- so all of our claims on March 1 will be denied since it hasn't been 30 days since the previous billed claim.
CCM codes can only be billed every 30 days- so what do we do in February when there aren't 30 days? Our software automatically creates the claims for us on the first day of each month- so all of our claims on March 1 will be denied since it hasn't been 30 days since the previous billed claim.
Hello, you mentioned your software creates the claim every 30 days. Can I ask which software? Is it just your billing software? My providers are trying to find an app that will help them track all the time they spend doing CCM that will import that information into their EMR. Do you use anything like that? Thanks!