Wiki Does a a non physician rendering services need a supervising qualifier on box 17


Port Saint Lucie, FL
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Does a a non physician (nurse practioner) rendering services in a doctors office, need a supervising physician qualifier denoted on box 17?

(the nurse practioners NPI is entered on box 24J and Nurse practioners name is entered box 31)
PER CMS :for the CMS - 1500 The instructions effective 4/1/14 state:

Enter one of the following qualifiers as appropriate to identify the role that this physician (or non-physician practitioner) is performing:
Qualifier Provider Role
DN Referring Provider
DK Ordering Provider
DQ Supervising Provider
Enter the qualifier to the left of the dotted vertical line on item 17.

I know a non physician (Nurse Practioner)can be the referring or ordering but my question is does the nonphysician(NursePractioner) require a supervising qualifier DQ of the supervising physician in box 17?

Thank you for any feedback.
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