Wiki Documentation


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I have been running into a provider who continues to bill for services: 11056 but there is no procedure documentation to support it or am interpreting it wrong, help!

Should I be letting the provider know the lack of documentation or is this enough?

Is there any specific documentation requirements that someone can direct me too so I can send the provider

SUBJECTIVE: This patient returns for follow-up of elongated, thick, dystrophic and mycotic nails 1-5, bilaterally.   She is here for nail care.  She is also here for follow up of callous plantar 1st mpj of the left foot.

OBJECTIVE: Patient has elongated, thick, dystrophic, mycotic and gryphotic nails 1-5 bilaterally.   Some are incurvated, cracked and breaking off.   Clavus plantar 1st mpj of the left foot. Onychocryptosis medial right hallux.  No paronychia or infection


Elongated, thick, dystrophic and mycotic nails 1-5, bilaterally.

Keratoma plantar 1st MPJ of the left foot.

Onychocryptosis medial right hallux.

Debrided all the hyperkeratotic lesions down and accommodated them.  
Pt given instruction for appropriate conservative care of padding, exfoliation and hydration with exfoliative cream.
Pt given instructions for appropriate padding and accommodation to the areas of bony prominence.
Discussed with the patient appropriate shoe gear and soft insoles.
Pt RTC 3 months

Documentation needs to support not only are they treating callus or corns but that cutting or paring (shaving) technique is being used. In addition, the documentation must support that two to four lesions were treated during this encounter or session. The term "debride" would meet this requirement. However in reviewing the medical records above it does not reference the number of callous only "mjp of the left foot." In this case I would review with the provider the need for the number of callous debrided.