Wiki Documentation required to bill 29826

Hi All, looking for help with code 29826 and what needs to be documentend to bill for this code.

Any help will be appreciated!

you want to see an osteotomy of the metatarsal (typically with fixation ) and removal of the bony eminence (bunion) at the metatarsal head
This is an arthroscopic shoulder surgery:
When the patient is appropriately prepped and anesthetized, the provider makes three small incisions in the shoulder area. He inserts the arthroscope through one of the incisions into the shoulder joint. He instills saline solution to expand the area around the shoulder joint. He views the entire shoulder joint area using the camera of the scope. He then inserts additional instruments and performs repairs to the shoulder blade to decompress, or relieve pressure, on structures that rub together abnormally. He removes part of the coracoacromial ligament, if necessary. The provider then irrigates the area, checks for bleeding, removes any instruments, and closes the incisions.

I was talking to someone about bunionectomy

my doc documents 29826 - "significant subacromial bursitis somewhat hemorrhagic appearing was noted and a thorough subacromial bursectomy was performed with an arthroscopic ablator...anterior impingement lesion with spur was noted...the CA ligament was resected off the anterior acromion and the anterior acromial spur was completely resected with an arthrosocpic bur"
29826 is an add on arthroscopic shoulder procedure which cannot be billed alone but can be billed with the following codes:
29807-29825, 29827, 29828
What needs to be documented in order to bill 29826? An acromioplasty. If the provider performs a soft tissue subacromial decompression, then it can be billed as debridement if its not for visualization. This is usually performed to correct impingement syndrome as the acromion can become "hooked" over time compressing this area. If the provider has not documented partial removal of bone (acromion) you would not bill this. Look at the description of 29826 in your CPT it states "with acromiplasty". This is not an and/or situation. If they have not performed acromioplasty, you should not bill 29826.
29826 is an add on arthroscopic shoulder procedure which cannot be billed alone but can be billed with the following codes:
29807-29825, 29827, 29828
It's been a few years since this thread was active but hoping you see this and can maybe help. We billed 29826 to BCBS for our AS. The surgeon did 29806 and 29826. Since 29806 is not payable to an AS, I could only bill 29826. But BCBS denied it because it's an add-on code and they won't pay it without a primary code. Do you know how I would bill this if the primary code is not payable?

Thank you!