Wiki Documentation of Fluoro Guidance


True Blue
Baton Rouge
Best answers
Hi all, I was wondering if I could get some opinions/guidance on this issue. Our pain management physicians perform a variety of injections (ESI's, MBB's, RFA's, etc.) under fluoroscopic guidance at a nearby hospital. They have always printed out a copy of the images with the procedure note to be placed in the patient's chart here in our clinic. The hospital very recently switched to a new EMR, and they are having problems printing the image for some reason, so now we are only getting the procedure note in the clinic chart. The image is stored on the hospital's server, just not printable. Is it a problem that we don't have a copy of the image in our clinic chart? We do bill for the professional component of this (77003-26), so they are concerned about not having the documentation on file. Would appreciate any input anyone has to offer!! :D