Wiki Documentation of drug wastage


True Blue
Rensselaer, NY
Best answers
When the CMS rules on billing for drug wastage state "provider documentation" and this is a hospital claim, is documentation from the pharmacy on the wastage sufficient (i.e. on the logs) or is it required to be in the patient's medical record documented by the physician or other provider? Usually if there is waste this never gets to the physician and nurses in the infusion center as the ordered dosage arrives in the IV bags so they are not dealing with the excess drug. I am finding this documentation in the pharmacy logs, but my director wants proof that this is sufficient and not required to be documented in the patient medical record. I am not finding that requirement, just "provider documentation." Help!
Good question. I have experience with this on the physician side. The nurses did not document waste on our infusion record that was kept in the patient's physical chart nor did we keep a pharmacy log in the chart either. The only place the waste amount was documented was in the system/program the pharmacy tech used. She put in the amounts and it worked out the dosage. We can print that for documentation purposes, but again, we didn?t keep in the patients chart. I'm sure this doesn't help :) :D