Wiki Documentation and Signature Reqs for 99211


Norristown, PA
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I was wondering if anyone out there know the documentation and signature requirements for CPT 99211. I understand that it is a non-physician visit usually rendered by a RN or MA but it is getting billing under the MD. Who signs the documentation? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Nancy G. Burch Nelson CPCA
I was wondering if anyone out there know the documentation and signature requirements for CPT 99211. I understand that it is a non-physician visit usually rendered by a RN or MA but it is getting billing under the MD. Who signs the documentation? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Nancy G. Burch Nelson CPCA

The documentation should be a description of the services rendered and signed by the person providing the service. If it is a non-physician practioner, generally the physician reviews the documentation and also signs off since it is billed under the physician.
Can either of you help me? I need to know if a physician can bill for a 99211. I keep reading that it is for a nurse's visit but i am curious to know if it is legitimate to use it if the patient was seen by the physician merely for a 99211 level. thanks!!