Wiki Doctor signatures


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I have a question whether the physician has to sign an office E/M note on the actual DOS, or if he can Electronically sign it a few days later, and still bill for that DOS.
What is the policy for your company? Was the note done on the date of service and the MD just didn't sign or does he still need to complete the note as well as sign?

There should be a policy and procedure that covers this situation. If not, maybe you could suggest that one be put in place. At previous employment, the MDs had 48 hours to sign a note. However if a note was not done, they only had 24 hours to complete a note.
Date of signature

No, the physician does NOT have to sign the same date as the date of service. In fact, depending on your system, this may be impossible. Our transcription service has 24 hours to transcribe the dictation. So the note may not even be available for signature until the next day. If the DOS is a Friday, it may be Monday before the doctor signs it.

Remember, back in the days of pen/ink signatures on paper we never knew whether the signature was afixed the same date as the DOS or days(weeks) later.

Your office defnitely should have a written policy outlining the acceptable "lag time" between DOS and date of dictation (DOD); the DOD and date of transcription (DOT); and the DOT and date of signature.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC