Wiki Do you send the lcd/ncd with your appeals


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There is very little information on the internet about what documents we send with the appeals. Do you send the entire chart to help make your point, or only what is current and applicable? Do you attach the LCD or NCD? Trying to find ways to streamline the process and maybe save a bit of $ on the Fed Ex charges.

I only send pertinent information and cite the LCD/NCD in my appeal. I never send more than I have to because they do not review every stitch of paper. Carriers already have this info at their disposal. Make it short , sweet and to the point.
Absolutely agree with naptime. You NEVER want to send any more than what pertains to the appeal, because it can violate HIPAA. Remember to always think of it as if you were sharing personal details about yourself with a stranger. You would never tell someone more than they absolutely needed to know, right? Same thing with submitting docs to the insurer.