Wiki Do we code Lysis of adhesion


Pennsauken, NJ
Best answers
My question is how do we code lysis of adhesion and what needs to be documented?

The physician performed: Bronchoscopy, Mediastinoscopy, right posterolateral thoracotomy, Lysis of adhesions. Right lower and right middle lobectomy and Mediastinal node dissection.

Is the Lysis of adhesion included in the primary code? Please help
a lysis of adhesions is a hard thing to code and get paid for as it is bundled into just about every procedure code. You can however use a 22 modifier on the primary procedure code, IF the documentation can support that the procedure was more extensive due to excessive adhesions, otherwise it is considered just part of the surgical procedure.
Coding for Lysis of adhesions

In addition to appending the primary procedure with the 22 modifier; along with the supporting documentation I attach a letter with the total amount billed for that procedure asking for an additional percentage.
Deborah, CPC