Wiki Do I need a modifier (-62)

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I work in an ophthalmology practice and 2 of my surgeons performed separate/distinct procedures on a patient (same day). The procedures were unrelated and they are of the same speciality. Based on the 2 surgeon modifier description, I don't thinkg -62 applies. I am wondering if I need to use a modifier at all.
The 62 modifier will not work if they are of the same specialty. If the codes will take an 80 modifier, you might be able to bill each Dr. as the assistant surgeon for each ofthe their portions of the case. They will each need their own separate dictation indicating that the other surgeon was their assistant.
If they did separate procedures and did not help the other,
then I would bill separately and just use LT and RT.
Be ready to supply op notes if requested.

Providers from the same specialty are allowed to bill the same codes with Modifier 62 as long as they both did the same work and assisted eachother. If the providers did seperate procedures (different Codes) then no Modifier 62 is required. Both providers need to dictate their own operative report and most insurance companies like to review them for medical necessity.
Good Luck!