
Columbia City, IN
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I work for a urologist and I am somewhat new to coding. I believe I am getting confused with what I have been trying to find out about billing DME codes with certain Px. I know to bill DME but some of what I am reading is stating that the Procedure code has the DME included. Please help explain. If anyone is willing to be a mentor to me that would be great. examples are 52000 and A4358,A4351
A codes are not DME; they fall under medical/surgical supplies. If these are supplies used when performing the procedure or dispensed incident to a physician service, they are not separately reportable. It would be the equivalent of billing separately for gauze, scalpel, bandaids Etc The codes have an RBRVS status indicator of P.

P = Bundled/Excluded Codes. There are no RVUs and no payment amounts for these services. No separate payment should be made for them under the fee schedule. --If the item or service is covered as incident to a physician service and is provided on the same day as a physician service, payment for it is bundled into the payment for the physician service to which it is incident. (An example is an elastic bandage furnished by a physician incident to physician service.) --If the item or service is covered as other than incident to a physician service, it is excluded from the fee schedule (i.e., colostomy supplies) and should be paid under the other payment provision of the Act.
These confuse me as well because if you look at the DME indicator list it states:

**A4310 - A4358
--Incontinence Supplies/Urinary Supplies
--If provided in the physician's office for a temporary condition, the item is incident to the physician's service & billed to the LocalCarrier. If provided in the physician's office or other place of service for a permanent condition, the item is a prosthetic device & billed to the DME MAC.

Which to me sounds in different situations we can bill this to DME, correct?