Wiki DME Billing


Waco, TX
Best answers
We had a patient come in to our office and received a DME product. Unaware the patient was in a SNF. The patient has Humana MCR. Is there a way to still get paid for the DME product? Humana is asking for a refund.
You would need to bill to the SNF. Unfortunately, I have not found a way to get the SNF billing information other than calling the patient to find out which facility they were in and then call the SNF to get billing information.
Years ago when I worked for a DME billing company there was a way to dial into a medicare computer that gave out SNF info. It reminded me of an old school BBS. I think we also used it for Power chair auths. There might be other direct MCR verification tools that can give SNF information. Unfortunately I do not think you can get the info through commercial portals like Navinet or by calling the MAC. I am too long removed to remember any more details