Wiki DM Coding in Ophthalmology


Brookings, OR
Best answers
I am looking for a helpful guide for basic DM diagnosis coding in ICD10. Our office doesn't treat the disease so we are a little short of deep knowledge on the subject. Even the ODs sometimes get crossed up when determining if a patient is Type 1 or Type 2 DM. I tried searching the forums for a hint of a decision tree and didn't have much luck. If like me, you are in an office where DM is something you see and report but don't treat and you have such a tool please let me know what you use.

When there is no ophthalmic complication I am finding its surprisingly hard to tell if a patient is needing the E11.9 or the E10.9.

It is very important to the patients benefits and possibly even their job that correctly identify the diabetes type. Contact the patients primary care provider if the patient cannot tell you their diabetes type.
It is very important to the patients benefits and possibly even their job that correctly identify the diabetes type. Contact the patients primary care provider if the patient cannot tell you their diabetes type.

Thanks Michelle! Reaching out to the PCP wasn't an idea I'd thought of and its a very good one. Curious though... I can certainly see how misidentifying the Type on my end could lead to billing errors etc. How would mistakes of that type affect a patient's employment?