Wiki dm and dm w/ complications diagnosis coding


Overland Park, KS
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i have a question.. the code 250.00 basically states diabetes without mention of complications, what if a record states that the patient has dm, but also adds that they have peripheral neuropathy due to dm? can you code 250.00 on the same claim with 250.60, 357.2, if so how do you figure? one states without complications and one states diabetic complication. if not, please state why not as well, thank you very much!
If the patient has diabetic neuropathy then the diabetes is not uncomplicated. 250.0x is defined as DM without mention of complication or manifestation classifiable to 250.1x - 250.9x. The guidelines state that DM and associated conditions are paired codes in which the 250.xx code is sequenced first and then the manifestation. You may use as many 250.xx codes as are necessary to report all associated conditions the patient may have.
To continue with the above reply - 250.0X cannot be coded along with 250.XX, once complication is identified, we need to code diabetic with complication only.

Hope this makes sense.

Thank You,

Purnima S, CPC