Wiki Dissection of the rectum from the cervix??

Lubbock, TX
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Please let me know if you have any experience with this:

General surgeon received an intra-operative consult from an OB performing a open hysterectomy on a pt with significant adhesions of the rectum to the cervix.

Preop/Post op diagnosis: Dense adhesions in the pelvis

Description of the Procedure: The patient's abdomen & pelvis was already opened and dissection for the hysterectomy was underway. I was called intraoperatively to evaluate the adhesions of the rectum to the cervix. Using the Metzenbaums and electrocautery, I dissected the rectum freely from the cervix to allow the completion of the TAHBSO. Hemostasis was obtained. At this time, Dr. ______ concluded the procedure.

Total Dissection time 15 minutes.

Any takers for the procedure code??