Wiki Discontinued service


Bacliss, Texas
Best answers
2 cases are listed:

1st case
our physician did the following:

Ptca of right coronary, he attempted but failed
catheter placement in coronary artery

could i bill:
92920-rc-53, dx 414.00
93454-26-59, dx 414.00

diagnosis is 414.00 cad. My question is, if he attempted a ptca of rca but was unseuccessful could i bill this with modifier 53. The doctor stated it took him 45 minutes to an hour in attempting code 92920. I am not sure if i can. Also code 93454 bundles to code 92920.

2nd case
another doctor did the following:

Lhc rhc cor no lv
ascending aortogram

diagnosis is 424.1 aortic stenosis and 414.00 cad

could i bill:
93460-26-53, dx 414.00
93567, dx 414.00

can i bill with modifier 53 on code 93460, if he attempted.

Thanks for your help!