Wiki Discontinued ICE during Aborted PFO Closure


Boston, MA
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We had an aborted PFO closure procedure, which was discontinued because the ICE sytem malfunctioned and the images were no longer available. In addition to using a modifier for discontinuing the actual PFO closure (93580), I would like to code for a discontinued ICE evaluation (93662). There is a difference of opinion in our coding office over the ICE procedure however. My feeling is that it was exactly because the full ICE evaluation could not be completed that the PFO closure had to be discontinued, hence I would code for a discontinued ICE. Another coder thinks a full ICE was done because the ICE catheter was inserted fully (which I would agree with) and the physicians were able to visualize the heart. I think that if a continuous ICE evaluation were not necessary to complete the PFO closure, the doctors would have gone ahead with the PFO closure.

What do others think? Was a full ICE evaluation done, or was the ICE discontinued, leading to the PFO closure being halted?

Thank you,

ABlythe, CPC, CCC