Wiki disconnect for prolonged infusion pump


True Blue
Columbus, OH
Best answers
Looking for input from community oncology practices on pump disconnects. We're having conversations about process changes and would like to know what others are doing.

  1. Prolonged infusion pump disconnects on Saturdays: I'm interested in hearing anything you can share about your processes, but am specifically curious about if you have a physician on-site Saturdays? I can't find a definite answer on whether a pump disconnect is direct or general supervision. I can make an argument both ways from what I've read. I don't expect documentation will be any different from what we do now Monday-Friday.
  2. Patient self-disconnects of prolonged infusion pumps: Definitely looking to hear from any practices doing this. When and how do you capture the disconnect time for your MAR? Is your documentation for the connect or disconnect any different for these scenarios?
I appreciate any info you can share. TIA!