Wiki Discharging deceased patients


Jacksonville, AR
Best answers
If a Dr. sees a patient for the entire or most of the duration of their hospital stay but another Dr. pronounces them dead-is the pronouncing Dr. the only one that can bill a discharge? I have a hospitialist that did not pronounce the patient, but did a discharge summary-can I bill a discharge by my hospitialist Dr?
I asked this same question a few years ago, unless something has changed ( I don't do hospital billing anymore), you cannot charge a discharge even though a DC summary has been done. In order to code this, the patient must go somewhere, ie SNF, home, Rehab center. Since this is not the case, there cannot be a DC charge. However, you can charge for a subsequent hospital visit instead, 99231-233.

Hope this helps!!!
Thank you Tracy. I had a nurse tell me that another physician pronounced the patient as a "courtesy". Not sure if that Dr. happened to just be closer in location to the patient and could get there faster or why exactly. So, only the Dr. that pronounces can claim the discharge charge, correct? Which DOES make sense b/c they were the one that did the final exam on the patient.