Wiki Discharges and Date of Services?


New Cumberland, PA
Best answers
In the system I work on Doctors put in the discharge date and then if they don't finish the note that day whenever they do finish the DOS date is the day they actually sign the note. Is that something that should be going on or is my system throwing the wrong date of service to the patient. Since this is working this way I have been telling the doctor's to do addendums, is this really necessary or could I just change the date to correspond with the discharge date without getting them to do an addendum.

Thanks for all your recommendations,
The DOS must be the date the service is provided. If you cannot set your system to default to the correct DOS and the docs aren't going to ensure the correct DOS is on the document, I would go in and change the date to accurately reflect when the services were rendered. Otherwise, your billing is going to be off which puts a myriad of problems into motion.

The addendums are only unnecessary headaches for you. Just focus on fixing the problem within your system. If the docs aren't finishing their notes on the DOS, I doubt that they are going to be compliant in adding an addendum.

Call the support team for your software to see if the problem can be corrected. I'm sure you are not the only one experiencing the problem if it is inherent to the software.

Good luck!