Wiki Discharged Patient who was readmitted the same day


St. George Utah Chapter
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Help! I am not sure how to code the following scenerio:

Dr. CC had a patient who was admitted to the hospital by Dr. MC over the weekend. Dr.CC took over care and discharged the patient. 1 1/2 hours later he is re-admiting the patient for a symptom that presented after discharge.

You can't bill two e/m's on the same day of service, so how do I bill this out?
I am assuming the same provider that discharged did the admit. In that case I would bill a subsequent care day based on the combined documentation from the discharge and the re-admit notes.

All 3 codes are per day so you can't have more than any one of them on the same date of service.

A little late in posting an answer but I just saw this today, hope it helps.

Laura, CPC, CEMC